The job interview – what comes to mind? Nerves, excitement, the mind buzzing with the infinite possibilities of what could be. The anxious desire to put the best of you on display. Summoning the confidence needed to communicate why that job has your name written on it.
One way to channel confidence is through what you wear.
A quick search on Google explains that there are unspoken rules as to what constitutes appropriate interview attire. While many of these ‘rules’ are fairly subjective, there are some repeated tips across websites that seem to ring true.
Dress for the position.
Is it a creative position? A tech start-up? A bank? A fashion magazine? A government organisation? These all have very different rules (or lack thereof) of dressing. Creative positions allow for more colour and self-expression, whereas banks require a no-nonsense attitude and dress code. Awareness of the organisation is key; you can even google ‘what do wear?’ and check out the images that show up.
When in doubt, blue is the safest colour.Sure, dressing in white is safe, and is more or less universally flattering. But blue is a great option as well – it evokes a sense of calm, a little warmth, and a bit of congeniality.
Leave clubbing attire for the club.
In some ways, people are putting their best selves on display at the club as well – but in direct opposition to the work identity. If you want to showcase your ‘fun’ side, you may do so with an accessory like a belt or some unique looking spectacles, rather than a loud ‘look at ME I’m AWESOME’ shirt. Basically, it’s best not to give the interviewer any reason to come to a judgement about you that would be hard to shake off.
Don’t let your accessories be the most memorable thing about you.
Accessories are a great way of revealing a little of your personality – to show you’re not just candidate number 333 – but it could work in the opposite direction if you reveal a little too much about yourself too soon. For example, might be best to leave the Prada bag at home – you don’t want to risk being better dressed than your interviewer/future employer. You may also want to consider leaving loud accessories – like chained tie pins or super trendy items – at home, unless you’re interviewing for a job in which these accessories would be appropriate. In this case, see point (1). If the job requires you to wear a tie, opt for a classic pattern, ideally in a colour that complements your skin tone.
Press to impress. (iron your shirts)
This might seem fairly obvious, but it bears repeating. While creased shirts can lend character to the wearer, in a job interview, you don’t want the interviewer to jump to any character conclusions about you just yet. Also, wearing an ironed shirt is like coming home to a made bed – you feel fresh, clean, and ready for anything that might come your way.
Underarm guards from Daiso (or any store)
Photo from Amazon
Sweat is normal, especially in Singapore. Even more so when you’re interviewing for, let’s say, the potential job of your dreams. You might get nervous. You might feel excitement. You might experience adrenaline. All of which will make you sweat. The solution to avoiding those tell-tale underarm stains? Underarm guards from Daiso (or anywhere else – google research it). Stick them onto your shirt, right under your underarms. With some deodorant and a little spritz of perfume, you will look (and smell) ready for your date with destiny.

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